Monday, July 20, 2009

Swearing Is Caring

A recent study from the University of East Anglia in Norwich, U.K., found that swearing could actually be good for you. Said study involved having volunteers place their hands in cold water while repeating a single word. Split into two groups, half the volunteers were allowed to say the swear word of their choice, while the other half had to repeat a word that could be used to describe a table (i.e. sturdy, wooden, etc.)
Findings of the study showed that volunteers who swore were able to keep their hands in the ice water longer. Utilizing swear words proved to be a stress reliever and thus allow volunteers to endure greater pain. Californians are sure to not be surprised by these findings with our vast experience with patience-testing traffic. Knowing a colorful array of swear words helps keep us sane and, while potty-mouthed, non-violent in the midst of a two-hour commute.
Some people may use this study as an excuse to let their language run wild. However, it is important to note that swearing was only found to be beneficial while the volunteer was experiencing stress. It is also important to note that no research was done on the effects of second-hand swearing, i.e. the emotional effect on individuals hearing the swear words. Though future studies may teach us more about the psychological effects of swear words.
The message I'll take away from this study is that it's okay to indulge in a swear word in the right moment. In truth, sometimes there's nothing more relieving than your favorite four-letter word well-timed. Though I'm not normally the type to find cursing for the sake of cursing funny, check out The Onion's podcast on the next big gizmo for some cursing hilarity. Seriously funny stuff, plus it's given me my favorite new cursing combo "sucking fucking piece of shit."

:D Wondering why I'm looking so happy? How can I explain it? Oh, I know, look at the first letter of every sentence. Realize anything? Everyone should take joy in the little things in life.

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